Wayne Gretzky Sports Centre Arena


254 N Park Street
Brantford, Ontario
N3R 4L1


Wayne Gretzky SC Arena is located at Walter Gretzky Blvd
On the West side of Dundas Street
Between Fairview Drive and N Parks Street

From Brantford:

1. Hwy. 403 Exit to King George Road
2. King George Road North to Fairview Drive
3. Fairview Drive East to Walter Gretzky Blvd
4. Walter Gretzky Blvd South
5. Wayne Gretzky SC Arena will be on your Right


Tel: 519.756.9900
Fax: 519.759.4640
Email: wgsc@brantford.ca
Web: www.waynegretzkysportscentre.ca


Snack/Bar: Snack Bar
Pro Shop: Yes
Programs: Yes All Season
Operations: All Season