Farquharson Arena


411 Tecumseh Ave East
London, Ontario
N6C 1T4


Farquharson Arena is located at Tecumseh Ave East
On the East side of Tecumseh Ave
Between Gerrard Street and Langley Street

From London:

1. Hwy. 401 Exit to Wellington Road
2. Wellington Road North to Grand Ave
3. Grand Ave West to Gerrard Street
4. Gerrard Street South to Tecumseh Ave
5. Tecumseh Ave East
6. Farquharson Arena will be straight Ahead


Tel: 519.661.5775
Fax: N/A
Email: recreation@london.ca
Web: www.london.ca


Snack/Bar: No
Pro Shop: No
Programs: Yes Seasonal
Operations: Seasonal