A Few Simple Ways to Start Getting Scouted
If you are playing hockey at any level, then you are probably trying to figure out how you can take your game to the next level. Being scouted for hockey for higher levels can be a very challenging task, especially if you do not know what to do. The only way scouts or even coaches will notice you is by simply bringing your A-Game every morning/day/night and playing well at the highest level possible. Well, that is the first half.
Along with good play, you have to plan, train and position yourself for hockey scouts to notice you. Here are three simple tips that can help you get scouted for hockey and realize your dream of playing in the higher levels from AAA, Juniors, College, Europe or even the NHL.
How To Get Noticed In Hockey
Hey, scoring many goals and making awesome passes can make you worthy in the eyes of scouts or coaches, but it is not the only thing they look at. They also look at the little details in your overall game and pay a lot of attention to your body language too. Those little details make you stand out from other players. Focusing on these little details each time you step onto the ice will make a difference.
So… Here Are The Little Details You Need To Focus On To Get To The Next Level In Hockey
Treat Every Game and Practice Like A Hockey Tryout
Regardless of the hockey team that you are currently playing with, always, always, always train hard for each game and practice as if that is the only chance you have to impress a scout. You just never know. Even if no scouts are attending the game, they can be at your practice or someone else might notice your exceptional talent like another coach and invite a scout to come to watch you at your next game or practice.
Speaking of tryouts. Attending As Many Tryouts Does Three Things:
1. Tryouts expose you to many coaches that lead to networking.
2. You get to see and learn from how other players perform and their competition levels.
3. Finally, there may be scouts attending these tryouts.
Either playing in a game, attending practice or heading to a tryout… You have to believe in yourself, which will show a “Positive Body Language”. Besides, some of you may play in a region were hockey may not be as popular, but do not let this diminish your spirit. One way to help your confidence is to create an excellent off-ice hockey-training regime and stick to it, which will lead to a “Positive Body Language”. Listen! If you are a good player with a “Positive Body Language” and badly want to play, then there are no limits.
Oh, just in case I forgot to mention… Scouts, coaches and organizations always pay attention to “Positive Body Language”.
Promote Yourself
With advancements in technology (like soon to be HockeyNeeds profiles), you certainly have some of the most sophisticated marketing tools ever. For example, you can create a highlight reel displaying your hockey skills and show it off to potential scouts. Get your parents or friend to take videos of your game/practice and upload them on video sharing sites. Once you have uploaded your highlight reels online, search for potential scouts in your area and start emailing them along with your highlight reel the link.
On a side note: Take this time (which I highly recommend) to watch your games to pinpoint and correct your mistakes. If you want to be or be known as a high-level hockey player, then you need to watch your games routinely to make the necessary improvements.
Get In Touch With Higher Level Coaches
One of the best sources you can partake in is contacting coaches of various teams that are on the organization’s website. Once you have found these coaches’ contacts, get their emails and phone numbers and contact them. This is undoubtedly the toughest step to make. As mentioned early in the article, believe in yourself and there are no limits.
Most teenagers dream of playing in NHL someday. However, hockey scouting is not science. The scout cannot simply add their favorite ingredients in a blender to produce the ideal recruit. You need to prove that you are worth your salt to be scouted into top league clubs. Give every game your best and promote yourself; before long, hopefully, you may find yourself playing in the club that you wanted to be part of.
One Final Important Advice
There will be times you will be too focused on the grand plan of getting scouted, which could cause you to lose track of why you are playing hockey in the first place. This happens when you are constantly working out, on the ice training and at times there will be setbacks. Other elements can affect you by not making a team at a tryout. You might play five minutes a game. You might not touch the ice at all, or get scratched. You might get cut. In juniors, you might get traded. You are going to have practices where you bag skate. You are going to have long bus rides. We all know competitive hockey can and is a grind. The bottom line, you have to ask yourself, “Am I enjoying hockey?” and the answer should always be 100% “YES!”
At the end of the day, it is a game. If the fun of the game and the heat of competition does not outweigh the awfulness of how serious it gets. Don’t let yourself get burned out. And remember… Always Have Fun. That’s when you play your best hockey and hopefully, there will be a scout watching you!
Related Article – Ice Hockey In Hong Kong: Growing Despite Its Obstacles
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